Chicken Stock

by Laura 23 January 2011
Thumbnail image for Chicken Stock

I realized about two weeks ago that I was spent. Sack of bones tired. Slug paced. Work weary. So, in the spirit of honoring one of my New Year’s resolutions, I took a break. My new computer conspired in the matter by spending two weeks in and out of the Apple hospital. And I dropped [...]

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Cream Tea: A Proper Cup of Tea with Cream Scones, Homemade Clotted Cream, & Jam

by Laura 10 January 2011
Thumbnail image for Cream Tea:  A Proper Cup of Tea with Cream Scones, Homemade Clotted Cream, & Jam

When we lived in England, one of my favorite things to do was to pause for cream tea in the afternoon. It’s such a nice respite in the middle of a busy day, so civilized, and so edifying. It really only takes a few minutes, too. These cream scones are prepped and out of the [...]

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Simple Puy Lentil Soup with Spinach

by Laura 3 January 2011
Thumbnail image for Simple Puy Lentil Soup with Spinach

I make a loose plan for a week’s worth of menus every Thursday night and make my routine call for requests to my Dear Husband and my two sweet teenagers. Usually it’s an amusing list of what they don’t want: “No wet meat!” my Honey Girl who dislikes braised dishes might yell from the kitchen. [...]

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Swedish Rice Pudding with Spiced Sour Cherry Compote

by Laura 1 January 2011
Thumbnail image for Swedish Rice Pudding with Spiced Sour Cherry Compote

In the Scandinavian countries, it’s traditional to place a single whole almond in the rice pudding served at Christmastime.  Whoever finds it receives good luck for the year and a marzipan pig, a yuletide symbol of this good fortune.  We usually make this rice pudding for Christmas, but seeing as we’ll be eating it on [...]

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Winter Supper: Swedish Meatballs, Rot Kraut, Creamy Mashed Potatoes, Fennel and Green Apple Salad with Juniper Berries, & Swedish Rice Pudding with Spiced Sour Cherry Compote

by Laura 30 December 2010
Thumbnail image for Winter Supper:  Swedish Meatballs, Rot Kraut, Creamy Mashed Potatoes, Fennel and Green Apple Salad with Juniper Berries, & Swedish Rice Pudding with Spiced Sour Cherry Compote

After two months spent preparing for Christmas, when it’s over the mood in our house is usually a little tired.  A long, gray winter lies ahead of us and the magic of Christmas is past.  It’s nice, then, to continue the festivities for a few days by making a meal or two like this one.  [...]

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Butter Crumb Coffee Cake

by Laura 29 December 2010
Thumbnail image for Butter Crumb Coffee Cake

A few years ago, my Honey Girl and I had a conversation about the sad state of coffee cake.  Coffee cake, we mused, is one of those things that we order and bake with high hopes, but it always seems to be a disappointment.  It is either too sweet or too plain and often dry.  [...]

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Santa Bread

by Laura 24 December 2010
Thumbnail image for Santa Bread

It’s Christmas Eve morning and, as usual, I’m so excited I can’t sleep.  I usually get up before 5:00 every year, and when my Honey Girl and my Sweet Boy were little ones they were up with me, too, waiting for my Dear Husband.  We would gallop around the house before we started shaping the [...]

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Roast Pheasant with Pan Gravy

by Laura 22 December 2010
Thumbnail image for Roast Pheasant with Pan Gravy

I am test-driving a pheasant tonight for Christmas Eve dinner at my darling sister Molly’s house.  In fact, her husband got twelve pheasants on a recent hunting trip, and, if all goes well, we’ll be feasting on them together Friday night.  I haven’t had a pheasant dinner like we’re planning since my dear grandfather passed [...]

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Beef Brisket

by Laura 20 December 2010
Thumbnail image for Beef Brisket

Our Honey Girl is home from college!   And since she is a consummate carnivore and lover of all things beef, I made a beef brisket for one of her first dinners home.  When she and our Sweet Boy were little, they took a turn cooking with me one night a week and planned menus.  After [...]

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Christmas at Home

by Freddy 20 December 2010
Thumbnail image for Christmas at Home

A guest post by my Sweet Boy hristmas at home is a warm, happy time. My mom’s enthusiasm for elf culture kicks in around October, so by the time Halloween rolls around, the Christmas lists are complete and the baking is well on its way. Presents with no tree to be put under continue to [...]

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Coconut Macaroons

by Laura 14 December 2010
Thumbnail image for Coconut Macaroons

If you like coconut and you’ve never made macaroons, you must make some.  One bowl, one spoon, three ingredients—and 30 minutes from start to finish, including baking time, dishes, and wiping down the kitchen.   They are crispy at the edges where the coconut is toasty, and tender chewy on the inside.   Many macaroon recipes call [...]

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