From the category archives:


Lacinato Blue Kale Soup with Creamy White Beans and Ham (Slow and Lightning Quick)

by Laura 3 February 2011
Thumbnail image for Lacinato Blue Kale Soup with Creamy White Beans and Ham (Slow and Lightning Quick)

Okay, confessions first:  I love kale.  But even my Dear Husband and Sweet Boy, who would never be true cheerleaders for a soup with kale, eat it up happily.  And now that Americans seem to be gobbling down bitter salad greens like arugula and frisee, I hope I can talk you into looking past kale’s [...]

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Fall Supper: Pork Tenderloin with Autumn Sauce, Butternut Squash & Buttercream Potato Gratin, and Dark Magic Gingerbread with Butterscotch Sauce

by Laura 3 November 2010
Thumbnail image for Fall Supper:  Pork Tenderloin with Autumn Sauce, Butternut Squash & Buttercream Potato Gratin, and Dark Magic Gingerbread with Butterscotch Sauce

I remember the first day I joined my book group.  They had been meeting without additions to the group for about a decade, so I was a bit puzzled about why I had the good luck to be invited.  They were smart and well read and covered a wide political and religious spectrum.  But most [...]

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