Pumpkin-shaped Iced Sugar Cookies for Halloween

by Laura on October 31, 2010

Except for the years we lived in Tokyo and didn’t have an oven, my Honey Girl and I have made these cookies together every year for each of her 19 years.  The icing has become neater, and the faces more symmetrical over the years.  And I sometimes miss those wonky cookies with their messy icing and their haphazard faces.  The truth is, I miss my Honey Girl.  She’s sleeping as I write, home from college for the weekend, which is rare, and it’s bittersweet having her home since I know she’ll have to leave again so soon.  I miss her plopping down every day after school to talk through all the details of her day, miss making a pot of tea together and watching a bit of a Gilmore Girls or an Agatha Christie mystery together before she had to start her homework.  I’ve adjusted, but I wish I could go back and start all over again, and when she turned 18 we could cycle back again in an endless loop.  I feel the same way about my Sweet Boy.  But we can’t, so today I’ll enjoy making these cookies together one more time.

This recipe was given to me by my sister, who got it from a friend.  I don’t know who developed it, but if I did I would write that person a thank you note.  It is a dream to work with.  You can’t overwork it, it’s a breeze to roll out, it peels right off of your counter without changing shape, and it’s delicious, too.  You can roll it very thin or as thick as ½“ for equally nice results.  We use it many times each year—pumpkins for Halloween, hearts at Valentine’s Day, eggs and chicks at Easter, bells and angels for Christmas, and simple rounds for a tea snack.  It couldn’t be easier.  I used to cringe a bit at the thought of rollout cookies: time consuming, fussy.  Now, I think of them as one of the quickest and most relaxing bakes in our repertoire.  I just timed it:  cookies out of the oven and kitchen clean in 45 minutes!

This recipe is quite flexible.  If you mix it up as directed it produces a stable yet tender cookie which does not rise or spread.  If you cut the flour called for in half it produces a more delicate cookie which spreads.  I use the standard recipe for cutting out shapes and reduce the flour when I’m making a round cookie.  Both are delicious.

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1 Kris Jacobson November 1, 2010 at 4:21 pm

This entry about baking with your daughter made me feel all weepy. Beautiful blog. Cookies look delish. Bill makes the sugar cookies at our house, but I may have to give this recipe a try!

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